Deport Pro-Hamas VISA Holders Now!

Deport Pro-Hamas VISA Holders Now!

Actions Taken

Students, professors, faculty, and paid agitators are calling for blood and many are foreign VISA holders creating a hotbed for future domestic terrorism the FBI is warning us about!  

Real lives are at stake if we don't take decisive action to extinguish this raging fire across our nation. As frustration mounts, radicals may incite a wave of violence akin to the terrorist attacks witnessed in Europe claiming hundreds of lives. Let that sink in!

Calls for the murder of Jews and advocating for genocide while denying Israel's right to exist aren't protected under free speech. Today's campus unrest mirrors Nazi atrocities. Imagine Ivy League schools tolerating such if the KKK terrorized black students.  

When foreign VISA holders arrive in America and engage in hate speech, incite violence, and call for the murder of innocent Jews and Israelis, send them home! Their actions include calls for blood, violence, and racism, they vandalize monuments and are guilty of a slew of felony criminal acts. One must question their motives for coming to America: do they aim to spread propaganda, sow division, and advance the agendas of terrorist regimes they sympathize with?

This is why the Houthis are recruiting our already primed, expelled students to come to Yemen and be part of the terrorist regime supporting Hamas! ISIS will be recruiting them next!

Call on Congress to Deter Further Lawless Protesting and Restore Order Now! Yes on HR8322!    

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves"
-Abraham Lincoln

Help Us Deport Pro-Hamas VISA Holders Now!

Every dollar raised will be dedicated to raising awareness, and mobilizing grassroots pressure on every elected official to impact policy.

P Pandola P
B Bruce B
D David D
G Garcia G
V Vinograd V