Encinitas for Parental Rights!

Encinitas for Parental Rights!

Actions Taken

For: CA

Encinitas School District exposed 5th graders to "My Shadow is Pink," a book promoting gender confusion, without providing parental notice to allow parents the choice to “opt-out” their student, as required by law.

Worse, they shamefully coerced innocent 5th graders to be accomplices to their gender fluidity mission by making them share the book and video with kindergartners that included an exercise in illustrating and coloring their shadows. The teacher lied to a local parent when questioned about why he wasn’t notified and why they subjected children to a book encouraging gender confusion; the teacher claimed the book had “nothing to do with gender” and was simply a book exploring “colors and shadows.”  

This book serves only to confuse, brainwash, and groom children to question their gender. The book pits a masculine father against his son, who has a pink shadow who loves ponies, pink toys, princesses, fairies, and things not for boys.  The shadow also “loves wearing dresses and dancing around, it spins, it sparkles, and it twirls through the air, then stops when my dad walks in with a glare.”

The father is presented as the antagonist until he embraces his son's gender confusion and declares "It's not just a shadow, it's your innermost you” and “Your shadow is YOU and pink it will be, so stand with your shadow and yell THIS IS ME!"

Other quotes from the book include “her shadow, she hides it, her shadow likes girls” and “we've all had a shadow that's hidden from eyes, sometimes our shadow it lives in disguise”, encouraging children to hide their inner self from parents!

Gender confusion is a serious psychological disorder that causes emotional pain and suffering, including suicide, and should never be encouraged or treated so carelessly; but requires medically trained experts to evaluate and treat them.

Call on the Encinitas Unified School District to ACT NOW! 

"A child's innocence is the one gift, that once stolen, can never be replaced."
-Jaeda DeWalt

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